Tuesday, August 29, 2017


As I sit here, I have been looking at pictures of the flooding in Houston and it is painful.  I can't even begin to imagine what the people in Houston are going through.  It reminds me of Katrina and the flooding in New Orleans.  I bring up Katrina because I had the opportunity to help just a little in rebuilding some homes after the flooding.  My heart breaks to see natural disasters.  I struggle to answer reasons why they happen.  I hurt when people say why would God let this happen to people?  I struggle even more when I see people saying that the floods are some sort of judgement by God on people, which I saw more after Katrina than now.
I got the grand opportunity to watch a total solar eclipse last week here in Central.  It was amazing to see day turn to night.  To hear animals that you would only hear at night was surreal.  It was unbelievable to see Venus in the sky during the day.  It was an experience that I will never forget.  I was troubled a little though when some people began to say the eclipse was a sign from God that the judgement is near.  My question is why this eclipse?  It is not the first one.  Why not the one that is coming in 2024 or 2045?  Did you know that since 2000 there have been 11 total solar eclipses somewhere in the world?  Was that God showing judgement on those areas that were in the path of totality?
I struggle with people trying to take something and make it about what they want to make it about.  Total solar eclipses happen because of the path of planets and the moon.  I believe in God's creation and God setting things in motion.  There will always be total solar eclipses.  There will always be hurricanes.  There will always be tornadoes.  There will always be tsunamis.  I can't bring myself to think that these are the way that God shows judgement on people.  These are natural disasters.  Natural disasters like earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, and monsoons are part of how the earth works to support life.  They are necessary for the planet to sustain its environment.  We have learned this through science.  I am always heartbroken at the loss of life that these disasters cause.  I always want to do something to help.  I never want to blame God for what has happened.  I believe that God can work in the midst of disaster.  I believe that God is there and the heart of God breaks when people die as a cause of these disasters.  I never think that God is the cause or is bringing judgement to these people or places.  I believe in a God who is in the business of redemption not destruction.  A God who is in the business of hope not despair.  A God who is in the business of love not anger.

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First let me say that if you think a preacher should stay out of politics you should probably stop reading this blog here.  Now that that is...