Tuesday, September 5, 2017


First let me say that if you think a preacher should stay out of politics you should probably stop reading this blog here.  Now that that is out of the way, let me tell you why I have issues with President Trump getting rid of DACA.  

For those who don't know DACA is a program started by an executive order of President Barack Obama.  Some will argue that in doing this President Obama overreached the executive powers in setting up the program.  Regardless of how we got here, we are here and now we are having to figure out what we should do.  The DACA program allows people who were brought to the country illegally when they were young to register with the government and they will not be deported and it gives them a work permit.  These are young adults mostly, who have grown up in America and know no other home.  To deport these people would be sending them back to a place they have no idea about or that they have never seen.  

I want to look at this from a theological and Christian perspective.  If I look at the totality of Scripture and what it is I am called to do and support as a follower of Christ I cannot help but to say something to this situation.  I often look to Scripture such as Matthew 25, Amos 5, Hebrews 13, Deuteronomy 26, etc.  All of these call for us to welcome, love, care for the stranger in our communities.  These young people have grown up in our communities and have grown up in our schools.  They are classmates of mine and yours.  These are young people with a dream to live in the US, the only home they know, legally.  They are asking to be a part of the community in this way.  If we get rid of DACA and say nothing, what will happen to them?  How are we showing the love of Christ if we turn our backs on them and allow them to be deported to a place they don't know and is not home for them?

I have heard some argue that since it was an overreach by President Obama the proper thing to do is to reverse the executive order and allow Congress to pass a law.  I have a question for you.  If your life depended on it would you trust Congress to do anything in 6 months?  There seems to be a feeling in Congress that if I don't get what I want exactly the way I want it then I will just walk away.  I don't trust Congress to get it done.  I am pleased that Sen. Grahm and Sen. Durbin have put the Dream Act back in front of the Senate, but there is no guarantee that anything will happen.  I encourage you to stand up for those who will be affected by these decisions to let them know that they are loved and they are part of the community that they call home.  They are part of the community of Christ.

Here is a link of an article that Rev. Keith Ray wrote:

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First let me say that if you think a preacher should stay out of politics you should probably stop reading this blog here.  Now that that is...